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The RAD in RadGrid ... etc

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Vijay asked on 24 Mar 2009, 05:21 AM
Telerik has some very neat stuff.

BUT, BUT, for every neat thing I can do with this, I find that :

  • There are 5 other things that are not possible (unless I write 50 lines of super-cool and complex C# code-behind stuff).

Is that what is called Rapid Application Development ?

Plus no-one answers my forum questions.

Written at 2 am.

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Telerik team
answered on 26 Mar 2009, 04:14 PM
Hello Vijay,

I am not sure what are the difficulties you encountered while implementing your custom solution and I would recommend you explore the various support resources we have on our site using the tips from the following blog post. Basically, they cover 99% of the possible common scenarios as well as custom cases.

Additionally, we guarantee that 95% of the questions asked in our public forums are answered by Telerik Support Officer or other community members. If you would like to escalate something or take advantage of the support options that come with your purchase, consider using our support ticketing system after logging from your account on our site. Thus the thread will have guaranteed response time based on your active license.

Kind regards,
the Telerik team

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