The Grid column filter icon is very large after upgrading to 2023.2.606

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Rob asked on 12 Sep 2023, 05:47 PM

I have just upgraded my MVC application to 2023.2.606.  When I access a view with a Kindo.Grid on it the column filter icons are displayed and are very large.

I had a similar issue with another control which was fixed by adding the following to the master page

        kendo.setDefaults('iconType', 'font');

When I take out the ability to filter the grid is displayed but the layout is messed up.




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answered on 15 Sep 2023, 04:54 PM

Hi Rob,


Thank you for writing to us. I hope you are doing well :)

Allow me to share some information. If you are using an older version 2022, I highly suggest that you upgrade to 2021 R3 first and not the latest 2023.

The reason for this is that I would like the update to be seamless and easy for you with minimum breaking changes:

The recent version 2022 R1 introduces many enhancements around the Themes of the components, but I am afraid they lead to visual breaking changes and this update requires special attention and time to handle them. You can find more info here:


That's why, my recommendation is that you make the following upgrades:

- from old version to 2021 R3 now
- from 2021 to 2023 latest when you have time to fix any visual glitches (including the icons)

Thank you for your understanding. Excuse us for any inconvenience this might have caused you.

Also, another change is the LESS themes dropping, which happened in version 2023.1.314:

You can find more info in these blogs posted Last Year:

You can also check this article for migrating from LESS to SASS:

The new CSS CDN link should be:  

When I check the provided snapshot, I noticed that the pager of the Grid (and other elements) do not appear as they should be. I suppose this is because there is some old LESS classes getting mixed with the new SASS theme.

You could ensure that only the Telerik CSS file is loaded on the page and there are no Site.css or Custom.css being referenced. For instance, ensure that the _Layout.cshtml page is loading ONLY this style file:

	<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

I hope you will find this information helpful.


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