I have below Autocompletebox on a page as below.
<telerik:RadAutoCompleteBox ID="RadAutoCompleteBox1" runat="server" Width="400px"
DropDownWidth="400px" DropDownHeight="300px" DataTextField="Company_Name"
TextSettings-SelectionMode ="Single"
and there is some code written in "RadAutoCompleteBox1_TextChanged", which populates a drop down values based on the selection in autocompletebox.
I see the filtered entries in the drop down as I type in input control. And it works fine when I select/tab out/ enter a item.
But if I type exact and whole text that matches the entry, the textchanged event is not fired.
for example, I have a entry as California in the datasource.
Typed the whole and exact (case sensitive) text in the input control.
The entry is displayed in drop down and selected it with mouse.
TextChanged event is not fired.
Please help.
<telerik:RadAutoCompleteBox ID="RadAutoCompleteBox1" runat="server" Width="400px"
DropDownWidth="400px" DropDownHeight="300px" DataTextField="Company_Name"
TextSettings-SelectionMode ="Single"
and there is some code written in "RadAutoCompleteBox1_TextChanged", which populates a drop down values based on the selection in autocompletebox.
I see the filtered entries in the drop down as I type in input control. And it works fine when I select/tab out/ enter a item.
But if I type exact and whole text that matches the entry, the textchanged event is not fired.
for example, I have a entry as California in the datasource.
Typed the whole and exact (case sensitive) text in the input control.
The entry is displayed in drop down and selected it with mouse.
TextChanged event is not fired.
Please help.