I was woindering what testing tools other people were using. Anybody have any good suggestions for tools that will play nicely with the Telerik controls?
I'd also be interested in finding out what people are using for defect tracking.
I use Visual Studiom 2008, and with it we got the Resharper plugin Resharper is, by far, the best refactoring tool I have seen. With it, you can create your own unit test sessions and the fact that it keeps everything right within the VS framework makes it really handy.
If you are looking for opensource (Resharper does have licensing fees attached) I would say nUnit (http://www.nunit.org/index.php). It's been around a long while and it is the standard at our studio (for those that actually unit test..:D).
Sean Williams
Electronic Arts, Orlando FL
Telerik team
answered on 23 Jul 2008, 04:47 AM
Hi Tom,
We use NUnit also + jsUnit and Selenium for our web controls.