We are trying to establish some test automation around the rad tree view and need a way to identify tree nodes client side. We would like to use the RadTreeNode.Value property to do this. We are setting this value server side.
<div class="rtTop" jQuery1357770307520="7">
<span class="rtSp"/>
<input class="rtChk" type="checkbox" value="on"/>
<span class="rtIn EEMCheckBoxNode" jQuery1357770307520="8">
Text - Air Heat Flow (BTU 59)
Any help would be appreciated.
RadTreeNode treeNode = new RadTreeNode();
treeNode.Value = itemID; //eg 3636
But in the resulting html we can't find the itemID.
<div class="rtTop" jQuery1357770307520="7">
<span class="rtSp"/>
<input class="rtChk" type="checkbox" value="on"/>
<span class="rtIn EEMCheckBoxNode" jQuery1357770307520="8">
Text - Air Heat Flow (BTU 59)
Any help would be appreciated.