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Temp files?

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E.P. asked on 15 Jul 2020, 05:46 AM


I am noticing on our server that there are tens of thousands of files named along the lines of

  • RadImageEditor_ffe7d8ef.png
  • RadImageEditor_76680165.png
  • RadImageEditor_173f227c.png
  • RadImageEditor_7e698d3f.png
  • etc..

Firstly, can you tell me what these files are for?

Secondly, if this is expected and they are temporary files, how can I set it to use a different directory (ie the actual windows temp directory)


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answered on 17 Jul 2020, 03:32 PM

Hi Eli,

Yes, these files are saved on the server as temporary images.

The RadImagEditor stores the image on the server in the Session or in the Cache. This is needed because some operations on the images are performed on the server (e.g., Crop, AddText, etc.) - they perform a Callback to the server, the needed editing is done on the server and the provider places the new image in the Session or in the Cache.

In the ImageEditor - Save Image to a Custom Location demo you can check out how to cancel the default Saving functionality of the ImageEditor or choose a custom location to save the edited image.

Check out the approach in the demo and see if you can use it to achieve the desired behavior.

Please let me know if you have any further questions!

Kind regards,
Progress Telerik

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