import { TelerikReportingModule } from '@progress/telerik-angular-report-viewer';
2) In the dropdowns, the list is bleeding into the datepicker below it. Would I need a specific version of kendo-theme-material package, for example, with telerik-report-viewer v21.24.305 ?
In the meantime, I'm looking at overriding some classes coming from the backend css, which is linked in your template, telerikReportViewerTemplate- - but no success in figureout out this div issue.
<link href="{service}resources/font/fonticons-" rel="stylesheet" />
Hello again Dimitar,
If I may follow up with some follow-up questions re: our Angular 16 implementation of Report Viewer v18:
1) I need to add a default 'ALL' option to the combo_box dropdown values.
Would I need to do that in the backend report designer, or is it easy enough on the front end?
In the old v14 javaScript code, we had option 'ALL' directly coded into TelerikViewerv14.js, but I'd like to avoid that.
In the latest telerik-angular-report-viewer "^21.24.305" (not the native angular one), our HTML looks as follows:
<tr-viewer [containerStyle]="viewerContainerStyle" [serviceUrl]="serviceUrl" [reportSource]="reportSource" [viewMode]="'INTERACTIVE'" [scaleMode]="'SPECIFIC'" [scale]="1.0" [templateUrl]="telerikTemplateUrl" [parameters]="{ editors: { multiSelect: 'COMBO_BOX', singleSelect: 'COMBO_BOX' } }" > </tr-viewer>
import { Component } from "@angular/core"; import { AppConfigService } from "src/app/core/services/app-config.service"; import * as GG from "../core/models/globals"; @Component({ selector: "app-statistics", templateUrl: "./statistics.component.html", styleUrls: ["./statistics.component.scss"], }) export class StatisticsComponent { currentPatient: any; serviceUrl: string; reportSource: any; telerikTemplateUrl: string; viewerContainerStyle = { position: 'relative', width: '100%', height: '100%', ['font-family']: 'ms sans serif' }; constructor(private readonly config: AppConfigService) { this.serviceUrl = + GG.SV_REPORTS; this.telerikTemplateUrl = "assets/templates/telerikReportViewerTemplate-"; this.reportSource = { report: "SynReports.ReportCatalog, SynReports", parameters: { UserID: ..., SessionID: ..., RootUrl: "", }, }; } }