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Telerik_WPF_Demos, not able to navigate to example view form SingleControlExamplesTouch view the 2nd time

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ajoua taha
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ajoua taha asked on 21 Jul 2016, 10:54 AM


I tried to use the WPF telerik demo code to load modules of my application as done with the demo but I had a problem when trying to navigate to an example exp1 twice, the second time I am not able to navigate, but when I navigate to another example exp2 then exp1, it works:

exp1 -> home -> exp1: bug during the second navigation.
exp1 -> home -> exp2 -> home -> exp1: no problem.

I thought that may be the problem is with selector object in "SelectorHelper" class.

Can you give me any explanation or ideas about this problem.


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Telerik team
answered on 26 Jul 2016, 08:28 AM
Hello ajoua taha,

Please note, that we are not aware of such issue and we have tried to reproduce it, but with no luck.
Nevertheless we are aware of similar issue that can occur if the "selector.SelectionChanged -= selectionChangedHandler;" is uncomment in the OnSelectionChangedCommandPropertyChanged :

public static void OnSelectionChangedCommandPropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            var selector = d as Selector;
            ICommand command = e.NewValue as ICommand;
            if (selector != null)
                SelectionChangedEventHandler selectionChangedHandler = (s, args) =>
                RoutedEventHandler unloadedHandler = null;
                unloadedHandler = (s1, args1) =>
                    //selector.SelectionChanged -= selectionChangedHandler;
                    selector.Unloaded -= unloadedHandler;
                selector.SelectionChanged += selectionChangedHandler;
                selector.Unloaded += unloadedHandler;

But once again this unhooking is not done in the WPF Demos and also if used the issue is a bit different (once unhooked you cannot navigate to any example).
So it would be very helpful if you could send us a short video showing how it can be reproduced in the WPF Demos and therefore we can be of more help once we can reproduce it on our side.

Looking forward to your reply.

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