Setup Information:
· Visual studio v2005
· .NET Framework v2.0
· Reference for following dlls is added in the Project:
o System.Web.Extensions.dll
Path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions\v1.0.61025\System.Web.Extensions.dll
o Telerik.Web.UI.dll
Path: C:\Program Files\Telerik\RadControls for ASPNET AJAX Q1 2009\Bin\ Telerik.Web.UI.dll
When we are using the Telerik context menu control on our page, we are getting the following error:
'~/Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd' is missing in web.config. RadScriptManager requires a HttpHandler registration in web.config. Please, use the control Smart Tag to add the handler automatically, or see the help for more information: Controls > RadScriptManager You will be automatically directed to the previous page in 5 seconds.
We also added all the suggested nodes in the Web.Config file, but the error is still there.
Also note that when we are using Telerik 3.5 dll with VS2008, everything is working fine.
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