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Telerik.Web.UI.RadSessionPageStateCompression x error

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Silderado asked on 22 Jul 2010, 12:44 PM

Posted 22 hours ago (permalink)


I'm having a problem when I enable the option:
"<Adapter ControlType="System.Web.UI.Page" adapterType="Telerik.Web.UI.RadSessionPageStateCompression" />"

What this occurrence is the following, I have a grid with more than 100 records, and I select an option, open another screen with information on using the RadWindow, and this is open another screen that the user passes to analyze the 100 records, which are stored in a session, but arrives at the 7th record the system loses the reference information of the screen, the configuration information of the grid, the combo box, all the screen information, however data is still stored in the session.

If you access another screen the system reverts to the information normally. Have you any idea why the problem?

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answered on 27 Jul 2010, 12:51 PM

I suspect that the beahvior you are observing is due default historySize setting of the SessionPageStatePersister  used internally by RadSessionPageStateCompression page adapter. Therefore you should modify this setting to a more appropriate for your scenario value. Additional details can be found here (under RadCompression and SessionPageState section).

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answered on 27 Jul 2010, 03:54 PM
I Understood, but one doubts if I increase the amount of historic to 100, for example, can increase the processing? can cause a problem? is that in some cases may have about 200 records to be analyzed, until a 300, never is a right number
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