I create web pages for an IT department to monitor many servers. I use Telerik Rad Controls for ASP.NET. My problem is that the pages need to read a lot of data and are not quick to respond. For example, on the Page_Load I query 50 servers (often using asynchronous tasks) to display the information in a RadGrid. This takes a while and feels unresponsive. I think I want to be able to display a page immediately and then fill it in as data is returned. In addition when I make a change to a single server I sometimes query all the servers again to update the RadGrid and display the page again. Specifically this example could be a question of how to update only parts of a RadGrid (which a recent post said can't be done), but this is just an example. I may be going about this all wrong.
What I really want to know is if there are Telerik programs besides Rad Controls for ASP.NET or things within Rad Controls that I should be using/learning to make my pages more responsive (I can't even seem to display an hourglass icon). I have used UpdatePanels with some effect. I have also looked into SignalR. I see many Telerik examples that seem to do what I want, but then end up not working, which could just be my fault. What products should I be looking into? I need to use Windows IIS web servers, but not necessarily ASP.NET, but I would like to keep using that if possible.