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Telerik Styles not rendered on deployed application

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Sriram asked on 18 Oct 2013, 03:13 AM

We have been using Telerik controls in our application, everything looks fine in development environment, but after deploying the application in test server we found the styles not getting rendered correctly.

For example the calendar icon is not rendered next to the telerik date picker, and the grid header looses styling and also the filter icons are not rendered on the grid header for filtering, but the functionality as such is working fine. Just the styling is missing. PFA the sample image
But after 2 to 3 days, all the styles were rendered correctly automatically and we were able to see the calendar icons, filter icons..

But again now we deployed the application on new server and the same behavior happens, not sure why. We have added all the necessary config file entries.

Please suggest a solution to solve this strange issue.

Thanks in Advance

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Telerik team
answered on 22 Oct 2013, 08:33 AM
Hi Sriram,

This is really a strange issue and it is hard to explain how it can be fixed after 2-3 days without any
changes. However, if the problem persists could you please provide a sample page which we can use the replicate the problem. Alternatively a live URL will help us as well.

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