Telerik Report Design

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Filtering Report Parameters
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Robert asked on 17 May 2024, 01:22 PM


We're currently investigating Telerik reporting as a replacement reporting product. There are two features we're trying to understand if there is a suitable method in Telerik.

1. Parameters driven report. We want to able to present the user with parameters before the report retrieves any data.

As an example, present a list of sites that the user can choose from and then retrieve the data for only that site in the report. I've included a link to a similar idea seen in another product.

2. Drop down tree filter

When a report is loaded to be able to filter with a drop down tree filter similar to the Kendo component.

As an example, the user opens a report for all sites. This list contains 200 sites. After opening they want to filter to only show a small subset of those sites. The drop down tree would be ideal for this.


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answered on 22 May 2024, 08:47 AM

Hello Robert,

Thank you for the provided information about the scenario!

I confirm that report parameters are also supported in Telerik Reporting - Report Parameters at a Glance - Telerik Reporting.

The requested scenario of a user being able to choose a site from the parameter can be achieved by assigning a data source component with the available for selection values and our engine will automatically create the control on the client. Since Kendo UI was mentioned, I assume that you have a web application which means that you may use the HTML5 Report Viewer(or its wrappers) to display the report. You may visit HTML5 Report Viewer Parameters Area for details on which kendo widgets are used to create the report parameters UI on the client.

For more information on how to create and use report parameters, you may visit the following articles:

Regarding the DropDownTree widget, it is not one of the widgets used by the HTML5 Report Viewer. Instead, our report viewer lets you choose between the ListView and ComboBox widgets for parameters with available values - HTML5 Report Viewer Options Overview - Telerik Reporting.

With that being said, if you wish to use the DropDownTree widget, that should also be possible but it will require writing custom code to implement this editor for the report parameters - Creating and Using Custom Parameter Editors in HTML5 ReportViewer - Telerik Reporting.

There is also the option to use the DropDownTree widget outside the report viewer and to simply pass the selected value to a corresponding parameter - Sending Values to Report Parameters from outside HTML5 ReportViewer - Telerik Reporting.

I hope that the provided information and suggestions are helpful. Let me know if you have any additional questions.

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Filtering Report Parameters
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