Telerik report button

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.NET Framework Events Programming Report Viewer - Angular
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Genaro asked on 21 Aug 2023, 07:08 AM
buen dia, necesito ayuda, quiero programar un boton para que telerik me mande un reporte periódicamente, pero no se como hacerlo ayudenme porfavor 😞

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answered on 23 Aug 2023, 01:53 PM

Hello Genaro,

I used a translator application to translate the message into English and answer the question. Here is how the message was translated, please let me know if something is incorrect:

Good morning, I need help, I want to program a button so that Telerik sends me a report periodically, but I don't know how to do it, please help me.

May I ask in which format you wish to send the report? In most cases, that is the PDF rendering format and if this is the case for you, please have a look at the Exporting a report to PDF programmatically - Telerik Reporting KB article.

However, triggering the report rendering periodically is not part of the example. The tags used in this post suggest that you have an angular application and in such case, you may use functions such as setInterval() to achieve the desired behavior.

I hope that the provided information will be of use, please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any further questions.

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.NET Framework Events Programming Report Viewer - Angular
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