I have 3 linkbuttons that when clicked on call the same javascript
function openRadWindowCompany(url) {
var oWnd = radopen("ViewCompanyInfo.aspx?BusID=" + url);
function openRadWindowCoupon(url) {
var oWnd = radopen("ViewCoupons.aspx?BusID=" + url);
function openRadWindowReferral(url) {
var oWnd = radopen("ViewCompanyReferralBonus.aspx?BusID=" + url);
this is the code in the grid to call the js.
<a href="javascript:openRadWindowCompany('<%# originalAttribute="href" originalPath=""javascript:openRadWindowCompany('<%#" Eval("SearchBiz.ID")%>')">View Company information</a><br />
<a href="javascript:openRadWindowCoupon('<%# originalAttribute="href" originalPath=""javascript:openRadWindowCoupon('<%#" Eval("SearchBiz.ID")%>')"> View Company coupons </a><br />
<a href="javascript:openRadWindowReferral('<%# originalAttribute="href" originalPath=""javascript:openRadWindowReferral('<%#" Eval("SearchBiz.ID")%>')"> View Refferal Information</a>
The problem I'm getting is this: If i load the page on the inital page load evrything works as it should.
As soon as I do a postback (another search and reload the grid) suddenlly I'm getting this error:
Line: 526
Char: 43
Error: Sys.ArgumentTypeException: Object of type 'Telerik.Web.UI.RadWindowManager' cannot be converted to type 'Telerik.Web.UI.RadWindowManager'.
Parameter name: instance.
Code: 0
Does anyone have any idea why?