Telerik Menu accessibility issues

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Judy asked on 27 Jan 2025, 04:33 PM

Hello Telerik Team,

Our customers are using the Telerik Menu component, but they have noticed that its keyboard functionality does not align with the web accessibility standards outlined in the W3C ARIA Authoring Practices. You can review these guidelines at the following link: The page also includes a demo that showcases the expected keyboard behavior for menus.

Is there a way to address these keyboard accessibility issues? If not, are there any planned updates or changes in upcoming releases that will resolve this?

Thanks in advance,


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answered on 30 Jan 2025, 01:18 PM

Hi Judy,

Thank you for reaching out regarding the keyboard accessibility of the Telerik Menu component. We've reviewed the W3C ARIA guidelines and compared them with RadMenu’s behavior. Here’s a quick summary:

Aligned Behavior:

  • Tab selects the first menu item and moves out to the next control/element after the menu control on the second press.
  • Right Arrow expands submenus.
  • Left Arrow closes submenus and moves focus to the previous top-level item.
  • Enter/Esc and arrow key navigation work as expected.


  • Home/End keys for jumping to the first/last menu item are not implemented. You can submit a feature request if needed.

You can test the current keyboard support in the the Keyboad support demo.

Additionally, RadMenu supports ARIA attributes. To enable them, set EnableAriaSupport="true" in your configuration.

If you have any additional accessibility concerns, please let us know so we can investigate further.

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