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Telerik Grid Accessing Cell Data

1 Answer 54 Views
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Brian Mains
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Brian Mains asked on 21 Nov 2008, 05:46 PM

I've setup the Telerik grid to auto generate columns from a data table I bound to it.  I have inplace editing setup for this grid, but programmatically I make the first two columns readonly.  So for the rest of the columns (dynamically generated in the data table), I allow the user to edit those.  I make all the rows editable using the following trick: which works well.

Is there a way to be able to use the column in order to find the cell?  What I don't want to do is to hard-code cell indexes for each item that I want to access in code-behind....  is there a way to easily get the cell index for the city column?


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answered on 22 Nov 2008, 11:02 AM

You can access grid cells using the column UniqueName. Check out this topic.

I hope this helps.
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Brian Mains
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