Hi, i try to export data table to excel file using following code https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/aspnet-ajax/knowledge-base/common-export-large-amount-of-data-to-pdf-xlsx-and-csv-using-the-telerik-document-processing-libraries?_ga=2.266990472.785509911.1678626449-162692405.1645090225&_gl=1*1ns64vr*_ga*MTYyNjkyNDA1LjE2NDUwOTAyMjU.*_ga_9JSNBCSF54*MTY3ODY3Nzk2OS4xMTguMS4xNjc4Njc4MzQwLjM1LjAuMA.. , in data table we have number columns which is not export correct format ,we need to change format for apply formulas, we need to avoid this, bcz each time need to change that format in order to sum the column,
Private Sub SpreadStreamProcessingForXLSXAndCSV(ByVal dt As DataTable, ByVal filename As String, ByVal Optional docFormat As SpreadDocumentFormat = SpreadDocumentFormat.Xlsx, ByVal Optional sheetName As String = "Sheet1") If dt Is Nothing Then Dim manager As RadAjaxManager = RadAjaxManager.GetCurrent(Page) manager.Alert("No records to export to excel!") Exit Sub End If Using stream As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream() Using workbook As IWorkbookExporter = SpreadExporter.CreateWorkbookExporter(docFormat, stream) Using worksheetExporter As IWorksheetExporter = workbook.CreateWorksheetExporter(sheetName) For i As Integer = 0 To dt.Columns.Count - 1 Using columnExporter As IColumnExporter = worksheetExporter.CreateColumnExporter() columnExporter.SetWidthInPixels(100) End Using Next ExportHeaderRows(worksheetExporter, dt) For Each row As DataRow In dt.Rows Using rowExporter As IRowExporter = worksheetExporter.CreateRowExporter() For Each item In row.ItemArray Dim normalFormat As SpreadCellFormat = New SpreadCellFormat() normalFormat.FontSize = 10 normalFormat.VerticalAlignment = SpreadVerticalAlignment.Center normalFormat.HorizontalAlignment = SpreadHorizontalAlignment.Center Using cellExporter As ICellExporter = rowExporter.CreateCellExporter() cellExporter.SetValue(item.ToString()) cellExporter.SetFormat(normalFormat) End Using Next End Using Next End Using End Using Dim output As Byte() = stream.ToArray() If docFormat = SpreadDocumentFormat.Csv Then FileExtension = "csv" filename = filename ContentType = "text/csv" ElseIf docFormat = SpreadDocumentFormat.Xlsx Then FileExtension = "xlsx" filename = filename ContentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet" End If WriteFileToResponse(output, filename) End Using End Sub Private Sub ExportHeaderRows(ByVal worksheetExporter As IWorksheetExporter, ByVal dt As DataTable) Using rowExporter As IRowExporter = worksheetExporter.CreateRowExporter() Dim HeaderRowHeight As Double = 50 rowExporter.SetHeightInPoints(HeaderRowHeight) Dim format As SpreadCellFormat = New SpreadCellFormat() format.IsBold = True format.Fill = SpreadPatternFill.CreateSolidFill(New SpreadColor(142, 196, 65)) format.ForeColor = New SpreadThemableColor(New SpreadColor(255, 255, 255)) format.HorizontalAlignment = SpreadHorizontalAlignment.Center format.VerticalAlignment = SpreadVerticalAlignment.Center For i As Integer = 0 To dt.Columns.Count - 1 Using cellExporter As ICellExporter = rowExporter.CreateCellExporter() cellExporter.SetFormat(format) cellExporter.SetValue(dt.Columns(i).ColumnName) End Using Next End Using End Sub Private Sub WriteFileToResponse(ByVal content As Byte(), ByVal strfilename As String) Response.ContentType = ContentType Response.Headers.Remove("Content-Disposition") Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename={0}.{1}", strfilename, FileExtension)) Response.BinaryWrite(content) Response.[End]() End Sub
Note: We don't know which column is number column, so we need to pass General format for number column.