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Telerik Controls not showing in IE8

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Chris asked on 11 Nov 2013, 11:15 AM
Hi, I have a web page that has a basic telerik radcombobox as follows.
<telerik:RadComboBox ID="ddlAssignmentCancellationReasons" runat="server" Width="75%"
      MaxHeight="200" SkinID="RadComboBoxBoundView">

Telerik version 2011.1.413.40, IE8. In IE9 the dropdown appears ok but in IE8 the dropdown options appear transparent. The same thing happens for RadDatePicker and other telerik controls.


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answered on 11 Nov 2013, 01:02 PM
Hi Chris,

Such an issue can happen if the stylesheets are not applied to the controls. The IE8 and IE9 have limitation for number of loaded CSS files and if there are more files than 31 they are not loaded. In such a scenario there are two ways to resolve this issue. 
  1. Add the RadStyleSheetManager to the site
  2. Remove all the stylesheets from the App_Themes folder, moving them somewhere else within the site and creating there one or several CSS files in which you link the removed CSS files one by one using @import declarations.
You can find more information and also the solution to solve this problem in the article Internet Explorer CSS limits.

Hope this helps,
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