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tabstrip click not working?

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Jim asked on 17 Feb 2009, 10:32 PM
I've seen a few threads here discussing the problem with a TabStrip not working until after a postback.  I've got the same issue.  Here's the setup:

Master Page contains a RadAjaxManager.
Content Page contains a RadAjaxManagerProxy.
Content Page contains a multipage.  One of the pages contains a User Control.
The User Control contains a TabStrip.

The user control on the content page is loaded in markup (not dynamically).  When I do some dynamic content on one of the other PageViews in the content page, and programmatically return to the pageview containing the the TabStrip control, the tabstrip won't respond to user clicks until a postback event has occurred.

I've tried all sorts of combinations of the RadAjaxManagerProxy, but can't land on the right one.  What is the base issue with the tabstrip ignoring the initial click until after a postback occurs?  It is driving me crazy!

thanks for any advice

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Telerik team
answered on 18 Feb 2009, 08:08 AM
Hi Jim,

Unfortunately, the provided information doesn't help us much in resolving the issue. It will be best if you can open a support ticket and send us a simple running project (incl. CSS, images, DB backup and so on) demonstrating the problems. In that way we can reproduce and pinpoint the problems you're facing on our side, understand the logic of your application and provide a solution.

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the Telerik team

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answered on 18 Feb 2009, 02:05 PM
Hi Paul,

Unforunately, the project is a bit complex to upload.  The problem would likely go away on a less complex project.  :)

I think I've found a solution though.  My main interface is divided up using a RadMultiPage, without a corresponding RadTabStrip.  When particular events occur, such as clicking an item from a TreeView, for instance, I programmatically change the RadMultiPage.SelectedIndex, and pass along a value to a user control and let him take care of things.  On one of the user controls, where another TabStrip/MultiPage exists, is where the tabstrip click problem occurred. 

In playing around some more today, I found that if I set the main content page's RadMultiPage.RenderSelectedPageOnly = true, the problem disappears.

So far I haven't found any problems with doing this, but I'll keep at it.  If you have any thoughts on how this is all related, I'd appreciate hearing about it.

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