I have a parent form that has a tree view and tabstrip on one panel and a radgrid on another panel.
A child window is opened on a button click that contains a grid to search for items to add to the first grid.
When a selection is made I run the following javascript to update the parent:
My problem is here with the tab strip.
The tab align vertically and the background and text dissapear.
How can I fix this?
A child window is opened on a button click that contains a grid to search for items to add to the first grid.
When a selection is made I run the following javascript to update the parent:
contactScript1 = "window.opener.document.forms(0).submit();";
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "Update", contactScript1, true);
My problem is here with the tab strip.
The tab align vertically and the background and text dissapear.
How can I fix this?