I am using a rad date picker control in my web application. Now, i want user to enter date using keyboard, via calendar of date picker.
So, user press TAB key to reach input box , then another TAB to reach date picker button, press ENTER key to open calendar.
Now i want that this ENTER to bring focus over calendar control. So that next tab moves within calendar dates and navigation ctrls.
Then i move out of calendar either by pressing ESC key or by selecting a date. And this should bring the tabbing focus back to either date input area or calendar button. I have handled this moving out part by writing javascript on OnPopupclosing.
I am using a rad date picker control in my web application. Now, i want user to enter date using keyboard, via calendar of date picker.
So, user press TAB key to reach input box , then another TAB to reach date picker button, press ENTER key to open calendar.
Now i want that this ENTER to bring focus over calendar control. So that next tab moves within calendar dates and navigation ctrls.
Then i move out of calendar either by pressing ESC key or by selecting a date. And this should bring the tabbing focus back to either date input area or calendar button. I have handled this moving out part by writing javascript on OnPopupclosing.
<radCln:RadDatePicker ID="RadDateOfEvent" runat="server" Width="90px" TabIndex="2"Style="z-index: 104;">
<ClientEvents OnPopupClosing="onDateTimeSelected" />
<DateInput TabIndex="2"></DateInput>
<Calendar TabIndex="2" AccessKey="Q"></Calendar>
If there could be a client event like OnPopUpOpened , then also i can write a javascript to move focus to calendar pop up. But we only have OnPopupOpening and this doesn't work as we can't move focus before the control is displayed.