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Tab Strip/Multi Page is killing me... :(

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Paul asked on 25 Sep 2012, 02:47 PM
I'm the first to admit I'm not as experienced as many but still, I can't believe it's so hard to get the tab strip / multi page setup working properly.  Can anyone give me am "Idiot's Guide" to common mistakes?  I have what should be simple enough:  3 tabs, 3 page views.  Initially the problem was that when you first loaded the page, although the correct tab was selected, it showed the wrong page view until your first tab change which I assume fired a post back that got everything "sync'd up".  I tried various settings for things like index and moved the tab hierarchy around.  Now the correct tab and it's correct pageview show when the page is loaded but one tab will not show it's corresponding pageview at all.  I've checked everything I can think of... all the page views are registered with their corresponding tabs, the tabs show and seem to select properly but one page view has "vanished". 


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answered on 25 Sep 2012, 03:07 PM
For the record... I got everything working, not precisely in the order I had hoped but I'm not pushing my luck ;)  I deleted the entire tab and page view that had vanished, rebuilt it all and I'm just going to take it the way it worked.  Sorry for the venting but IMHO of all the tools, this is the most maddening to get working exactly the way I want.  Just a suggestion but I couldn't find anywhere a detailed explanation of how the tab strip/multipage/and page views all interact... but maybe that's me.
Telerik team
answered on 28 Sep 2012, 08:00 AM
Hello Paul,

Given the information that you provided I am not able to tell for sure what what causing the issue that you describe. However, if you need to get more information on the RadTabStrip control and the RadMultiPage control I would suggest that you refer to the our on-line documentation and demos below:

Kind regards,
the Telerik team
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