We're using the Q2 2010 release and having an unusual, periodic but consistent and reproducible problem with the controls on load. The user gets a javascript error saying that a client-side event handler (in the below case, Toolbar_Clicked) is undefined. This happens in all versions of IE (but apparently not other browsers). It doesn't seem to happen locally, but it will happen when accessing our site over the Internet. If the user loads a page say 10 times, it will happen half the time. All of our pages have a mix of Telerik controls but this seems to happen mostly when there is a splitter control on the page. Stepping into the browser debugger, the code will look something like this:
The error is on the Sys.Application.add_init() line for the toolbar. The "buttonClicked" attribute is being set to a client-side function, Toolbar_Clicked, which apparently doesn't exist yet in the script DOM. Again, there are no script errors or any other problems on the page itself typically, since it loads properly half the time. It seems like some kind of timing/sync issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Mike Oliver
Infotrieve, Inc.
Q2 2010 Release
We're using the Q2 2010 release and having an unusual, periodic but consistent and reproducible problem with the controls on load. The user gets a javascript error saying that a client-side event handler (in the below case, Toolbar_Clicked) is undefined. This happens in all versions of IE (but apparently not other browsers). It doesn't seem to happen locally, but it will happen when accessing our site over the Internet. If the user loads a page say 10 times, it will happen half the time. All of our pages have a mix of Telerik controls but this seems to happen mostly when there is a splitter control on the page. Stepping into the browser debugger, the code will look something like this:
WebForm_InitCallback();Telerik.Web.UI.RadSplitter._preInitialize("Radsplitter1");Telerik.Web.UI.RadPane._preInitialize("Radpane1", "Radsplitter1", "", "Radsplitbar1", 0, 0, "False");Telerik.Web.UI.RadSplitBar._preInitialize("Radsplitbar1", "Radsplitter1", "Radpane1", "Radpane2", 1, 0);Telerik.Web.UI.RadPane._preInitialize("Radpane2", "Radsplitter1", "Radsplitbar1", "", 2, 1, "True");Sys.Application.initialize();
Sys.Application.add_init(function() {
$create(Telerik.Web.UI.RadAjaxManager, {"_updatePanels":"","ajaxSettings":[{InitControlID : "ClientGroupGrid",UpdatedControls : [{ControlID:"ClientGroupGrid",PanelID:""}]},{InitControlID : "ClientGrid",UpdatedControls : [{ControlID:"ClientGrid",PanelID:""}]}],"clientEvents":{OnRequestStart:"",OnResponseEnd:""},"defaultLoadingPanelID":"","enableAJAX":true,"enableHistory":false,"links":[],"styles":[],"uniqueID":"RadAjaxManager1","updatePanelsRenderMode":0}, null, null, $get("RadAjaxManager1"));
Sys.Application.add_init(function() {
$create(Telerik.Web.UI.RadToolBar, {"_skin":"Professional","attributes":{},"clientStateFieldID":"ClientGroupToolbar_ClientState","collapseAnimation":"{\"type\":0,\"duration\":0}","expandAnimation":"{\"duration\":450}","itemData":[{"commandName":"NEW","cssClass":" rtbWrap","imageUrl":"/CSCMStaging/vlib/App_Themes/Professional/img/createtool.gif"},{"commandName":"EDIT","enabled":false,"cssClass":" rtbWrap","imageUrl":"/CSCMStaging/vlib/App_Themes/Professional/img/edittool.gif","disabledImageUrl":"/CSCMStaging/vlib/App_Themes/Professional/img/edittool_dis.gif"},{"commandName":"DELETE","enabled":false,"cssClass":" rtbWrap","imageUrl":"/CSCMStaging/vlib/App_Themes/Professional/img/deltool.gif","disabledImageUrl":"/CSCMStaging/vlib/App_Themes/Professional/img/deltool_dis.gif"},{"enabled":false,"cssClass":" rtbWrap","imageUrl":"/CSCMStaging/vlib/App_Themes/Professional/img/toolsep.gif"},{"commandName":"FILTERS","checkOnClick":true,"group":"Filter","checked":true,"allowSelfUnCheck":true,"cssClass":" rtbWrap","imageUrl":"/CSCMStaging/vlib/App_Themes/Professional/img/filttool.gif"},{"commandName":"CLIENTS","checkOnClick":true,"group":"Pane","allowSelfUnCheck":true,"cssClass":" rtbWrap","imageUrl":"/CSCMStaging/vlib/App_Themes/Professional/img/docs.gif"}]}, {"buttonClicked":Toolbar_Clicked,"load":_toolbarOnLoad}, null, $get("ClientGroupToolbar"));
The error is on the Sys.Application.add_init() line for the toolbar. The "buttonClicked" attribute is being set to a client-side function, Toolbar_Clicked, which apparently doesn't exist yet in the script DOM. Again, there are no script errors or any other problems on the page itself typically, since it loads properly half the time. It seems like some kind of timing/sync issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Mike Oliver
Infotrieve, Inc.
Q2 2010 Release