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Styling a grid with popup edit form

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Emanuele asked on 28 Jul 2020, 12:12 PM

Hi, i'm using a popup edit form in a grid, but i'm having problems with its styling.

First of all, i see a empty row under the edited row and i need help to set its border=0 px to hide that.

But the auto-code of the grid has no referral, like you see in the attached image.


I've tried to find a property in the EditFormSettings without results:

<EditFormSettings EditColumn-HeaderStyle-BackColor="YellowGreen"  UserControlName="VariabiliDettaglio.ascx" EditFormType="WebUserControl" PopUpSettings-Width="" EditColumn-HeaderText="headertext" CaptionFormatString=" Variabile [{0}]" EditColumn-CancelText="Annulla" EditColumn-UpdateText="Salva" FormMainTableCaption="main table caption" CaptionDataField="Nome"><br>                        <EditColumn UniqueName="EditCommandColumn1" ItemStyle-BackColor="Yellow"><br>                        </EditColumn><br>                    </EditFormSettings>


Thank you

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answered on 31 Jul 2020, 12:51 PM

Hi Emanuele,

Can you remove the <br> tags from the provided setup and see if the additional row is still rendered?

            <EditFormSettings EditColumn-HeaderStyle-BackColor="YellowGreen" UserControlName="VariabiliDettaglio.ascx" EditFormType="WebUserControl" PopUpSettings-Width="" EditColumn-HeaderText="headertext" CaptionFormatString=" Variabile [{0}]" EditColumn-CancelText="Annulla" EditColumn-UpdateText="Salva" FormMainTableCaption="main table caption" CaptionDataField="Nome">
                <EditColumn UniqueName="EditCommandColumn1" ItemStyle-BackColor="Yellow">

If this does not help, can you send me the content of the linked used control as well? - VariabiliDettaglio.ascx

It will be event more helpful if you prepare and send me a runnable project where I can reproduce the behvaior you want to avoid and examine the exact setup leading to it.

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