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Stylebuilder changes not downloading properly

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Visual Style Builder
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Brian asked on 13 Mar 2012, 09:24 PM
When I make changes to a control and download the new skin, it is only downloading the skin I started with.

I tried this in Firefox since the stylebuilder appears to not work at all in Webkit browsers like Chrome and Safari:
1. Go to
2. Click "New Skin"
3. Name the skin "NewSkin" and choose "Default" as the base skin
4. Select only "Menu" from the list of controls
5. Click "Create
6. Choose the "Fine-tune" tab at the top
7. Click "Main Items"
8. Click the "Normal (inner)" tab
9. Change the text color to "#3c2cb0"
10. Change the size to 14px
11. Change the Line-height to 30px
12. Change the Font to Arial
13. Click "Hovered root item"
14. Clcik the "Hovered (inner)" tab
15. Change the color to "#ff773d"
16. Click the "Save" button
17. Click the "Download" link in the top right

The files that are downloaded appear to just be the files for the default skin that I started with. I have confirmed that this happens in Firefox and Opera and that I cannot use the tool at all in Chrome or Safari. Can anyone give me a hand?

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Telerik team
answered on 14 Mar 2012, 10:09 AM

I have tested your scenario and it seems everything works as expected and your customizations to the skin are applied to the bottom of the generated CSS file. The only difference is that the color is generated with RGB. This is the generated changes with all your customizations:

div.RadMenu_NewSkin .rmItem .rmLink .rmText {
    color: rgb(60, 44, 176);
    font-size: 14px;
    line-height: 30px;
    font-family: Arial;
 div.RadMenu_NewSkin .rmItem .rmLink:hover .rmText {
    color: rgb(255, 119, 61);

You could see all your changes to the color, font-family, line-height etc.

For your convenience I have prepared a short video with my test showing that everything works as expected.

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Visual Style Builder
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