Dear Support,
I am using the RadSpell control and linking it to a RadTextbox. That part works great.
<telerik:RadSpell RenderMode="Lightweight" Skin="Metro" ID="RadSpell1" runat="server" ButtonType="ImageButton" ControlToCheck="txtDescription" SpellCheckProvider="PhoneticProvider" SupportedLanguages="en-US,English" OnClientDialogClosed="SpellCheckDone" />
However, the font size and font name (Times Roman) in the popup dialog do not match the rest of my screen. I've tried setting the CssClass for the control, the font name and font size properties, and everything else I can think of but with no success. Can you provide a CSS example (or other mechanism) by which I can set the font and font size of the labels and buttons within the dialog. I attached a screenshot with arrows pointing to the text components I am referring to.