We are using Rad Editor and creating articles which will be sent in a mail to all the users.
The articles are viewed the same way created in outlook 2003, but when it is viewed in oulook 2007 its looking very ugly as the style tags are no more recognized in oulook 2007 due to some changes as it doesn't have html engine etc...
one of the main problem is when we are changing the image properties like width, height editor stores in style tag, which is not recognized by oulook 2007 and showing the actual size.
so we want the properies of images to directly under the image tag instead of style.
is there any way to sort out this problem.
Please do reply ASAP, as its creating problems in our production.
Thanks in advance.
We are using Rad Editor and creating articles which will be sent in a mail to all the users.
The articles are viewed the same way created in outlook 2003, but when it is viewed in oulook 2007 its looking very ugly as the style tags are no more recognized in oulook 2007 due to some changes as it doesn't have html engine etc...
one of the main problem is when we are changing the image properties like width, height editor stores in style tag, which is not recognized by oulook 2007 and showing the actual size.
so we want the properies of images to directly under the image tag instead of style.
is there any way to sort out this problem.
Please do reply ASAP, as its creating problems in our production.
Thanks in advance.