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StripFormattingOnPaste for span not working

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Ranjeet asked on 18 Sep 2012, 04:45 AM
Hi all,
i am working on telerik radeditor, i want to make copy paste event with strip formatting,
i implement webpart of telerik rad editor, use StripFormattingOnPaste event to format the copy text, i use
<telerik:RadEditor runat="server" ID="RadEditor1" Height="515" StripFormattingOnPaste="MsWord,Font,Span,Css,ConvertWordLists" ToolsFile="/_wpresources/RadEditorSharePoint/ToolMenu.xml">

using this it edit all the text with css, fonts,scripts, ms word tags, also span....but it not remove all span from copy contain.

following is HTML format after Paste Text in editor but still one span is reaming..

<h1><a name="_Toc335312925">1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Heading&nbsp; 1</a></h1>
<h2><a name="_Toc335312926">1.1&nbsp;&nbsp; Heading 2</a> </h2>
<p><b>Bold</b><b> </b></p>
<p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Underline</span></p>
<p><sub>Sub</sub>script </p>
    <li>Ordered List 1</li>
    <li>Ordered List 2</li>
    <li>Ordered List 3</li>
    <li>Unordered List 1</li>
    <li>Unordered List 2</li>
Unordered List 3

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answered on 19 Sep 2012, 02:21 PM

Try to disable the ConvertFontToSpan filter of RadEditor, which converts the font tags to span tags. If this does not help open a support ticket and provide an HTML page with the original content so that I can test it.

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