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Strict Mode Question

1 Answer 65 Views
Chart (Obsolete)
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Nick asked on 22 Jan 2009, 01:11 AM
I'm trying to build a horitzonal bar chart with  numbers going 10-90 by 10, then 95, 99, and 100 on the X-Axis.   This results in 12 items.  I am feeding it 12 rows (databound) with exact match xvalues.    However, strict mode never seems to engage - nothing lines up besides 10 - each one gets more and more off as it goes up.   Autoscale is not on (as I need custom values's).  

Is there a trick I am missing?

I am on the latest version of ASP.NET AJAX.

Nick H

Here's my chart:
  <telerik:RadChart ID="chbBar" runat="server" DataSourceID="sdsReportBar" SeriesOrientation="Horizontal" AutoLayout="True" EnableViewState="False">  
                <cc1:ChartSeries DataLabelsColumn="MaxMS" DataXColumn="MaxPct" DataYColumn="MaxMS" Name="Series 1">  
                    <Appearance BarWidthPercent="35">  
                <XAxis AutoScale="False" MaxValue="100" MinValue="10" MaxItemsCount="12">  
                    <Appearance Color="134, 134, 134" MajorTick-Color="134, 134, 134">  
                        <MajorGridLines Color="134, 134, 134" Width="0" /> 
                        <TextAppearance TextProperties-Color="Black">  
                        <Appearance RotationAngle="270">  
                            <Appearance TextProperties-Color="Black">  
                        <cc1:ChartAxisItem Value="10">  
                        <cc1:ChartAxisItem Value="20">  
                        <cc1:ChartAxisItem Value="30">  
                        <cc1:ChartAxisItem Value="40">  
                        <cc1:ChartAxisItem Value="50">  
                        <cc1:ChartAxisItem Value="60">  
                        <cc1:ChartAxisItem Value="70">  
                        <cc1:ChartAxisItem Value="80">  
                        <cc1:ChartAxisItem Value="90">  
                        <cc1:ChartAxisItem Value="95">  
                        <cc1:ChartAxisItem Value="99">  
                        <cc1:ChartAxisItem Value="100">  
                    <Appearance Color="134, 134, 134" MajorTick-Color="134, 134, 134" MinorTick-Color="134, 134, 134">  
                        <MajorGridLines Color="134, 134, 134" /> 
                        <MinorGridLines Color="134, 134, 134" /> 
                        <TextAppearance TextProperties-Color="Black">  
                        <Appearance RotationAngle="0">  
                            <Appearance TextProperties-Color="Black">  
                        <Appearance RotationAngle="0">  
                    <FillStyle MainColor="158, 184, 229" SecondColor="White">  
                <Border Color="134, 134, 134" /> 
                    <FillStyle MainColor="">  
                <TextBlock Text="Milliseconds">  
                    <Appearance TextProperties-Color="Black" TextProperties-Font="Arial, 18px">  
            <Legend Visible="False">  
                <Appearance Dimensions-Margins="15%, 2%, 1px, 1px" Dimensions-Paddings="2px, 8px, 6px, 3px" Position-AlignedPosition="TopRight" Visible="False">  
                    <ItemTextAppearance TextProperties-Color="Black">  
                    <ItemMarkerAppearance Figure="Square">  

1 Answer, 1 is accepted

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Vladimir Milev
Telerik team
answered on 26 Jan 2009, 04:28 PM
Hello Nick,

Unfortunately we are unable to reproduce the problems you described. We would really appreciate it if you find the time to open up a support ticket and attach a small runnable project to help us investigate the issue.

Thanks in advance.

Vladimir Milev
Chart (Obsolete)
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Vladimir Milev
Telerik team
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