While working in the standalone Report Designer (Q2 2014), I encountered an issue while trying to set up a datasource for a new band report. What I'm trying to do is set up a SQL stored procedure as a data source. I'm able to select my normal connection string, and I'm able to select my stored procedure from the dropdown list and run a successful test query against it. The problem is that after I exit the wizard the Data Explorer Window does not show my data source or any data fields associated with it; as if there was no data source. So far I've tried setting it up from the wizard dialogue that appears when setting up a new report, as well as from the properties window of an unconfigured data source. (I've attached an image showing what the screen looks like after trying to set it up)
Has anyone else run into this? If so, does it only trigger for certain types of stored procedure? (I ask because this has only happened for one of my stored procedures so far.)
Report Designer Version:
OS: Windows 7 Professional (64-bit)
Has anyone else run into this? If so, does it only trigger for certain types of stored procedure? (I ask because this has only happened for one of my stored procedures so far.)
Report Designer Version:
OS: Windows 7 Professional (64-bit)