I can easily create a databound chart if it’s a simply scenario like totals by month and I’ve already provided the high level grouping in the SQL. But I want to do something like, totals by month by app, and have it be a stacked chart w/ the apps as the series, I don’t know how to do that. I specify from my sql data source the column for the app name (app), and I specify the label (ie Outlook). How in the Category series Item section can I get it to recognize my datafield, and also have it filter on values that only = ‘Outlook’? The example below for the series item sets the values to a static value.
<telerik:ColumnSeries DataFieldY="app" Name="Outlook" Stacked="false" Gap="1.5" Spacing="0.4">
<FillStyle BackgroundColor="#d5a2bb"></FillStyle>
<LabelsAppearance DataFormatString="{0}" Position="OutsideEnd"></LabelsAppearance>
<TooltipsAppearance DataFormatString="{0}" Color="White"></TooltipsAppearance>
<telerik:CategorySeriesItem Y="25000"></telerik:CategorySeriesItem>
<telerik:CategorySeriesItem Y="12000"></telerik:CategorySeriesItem>
<telerik:CategorySeriesItem Y="39000"></telerik:CategorySeriesItem>
//snippet for the below chart
<telerik:ColumnSeries Name="Lounge">
<FillStyle BackgroundColor="#850071"></FillStyle>
<LabelsAppearance DataFormatString="{0} sales" Position="OutsideEnd"></LabelsAppearance>
<TooltipsAppearance DataFormatString="{0} sales" Color="White"></TooltipsAppearance>
<telerik:CategorySeriesItem Y="15000"></telerik:CategorySeriesItem>
<telerik:CategorySeriesItem Y="23000"></telerik:CategorySeriesItem>
<telerik:CategorySeriesItem Y="10000"></telerik:CategorySeriesItem>
My dataset looks like this:
day app avg
Tue Outlook 10
Tue Word 4
Tue Excel 7
Wed Outlook 2
I want this chart to look like online demo example, but instead of Wooden Table, Lounge, etc, it would list the values in the ‘app’ column of my dataset.