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Splitter resize with silverlight content

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paaland asked on 21 May 2010, 02:11 PM
I have a web page that is divided in two halves using a rad splitter. The left RadPane contains a Silverlight application and the right pane contains web pages. I can resize and make the silverlight pane bigger, but not smaller. I start dragging the splitterbar to the left, but as soon as the mouse enters over the silverlight application it takes focus and the resize is canceled.

I've tried fiddling with z-index and stuff, but I simply cannot make the size of the left pane smaller. Any javascript magic on some client side events I can try? I was thinking I might be able to do something on OnClientBeforeResize and the something else on OnClientResized. But what?

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answered on 26 May 2010, 02:54 PM
Hello Paal Andreassen,
In this case, you can use one of the following approaches:
  • Set LiveResize of RadSplitter to true. Please note however, that the re-size will not be smooth even with this setting. For example:
    <telerik:RadSplitter ID="RadSplitter1" runat="server"
  • Wrap the Silverlight object in a DIV element and hide this DIV element while you move the splitbar. For example:
    In case you are using ContnentUrl:
    <telerik:RadSplitter ID="RadSplitter1" runat="server" OnClientLoad="OnClientLoad">
        <telerik:RadPane ID="RadPane1" runat="server">
        <telerik:RadSplitBar ID="RadSplitBar1" runat="server">
        <telerik:RadPane ID="RadPane2" runat="server" ContentUrl="SilverlightApplication1TestPage.aspx"
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function OnClientLoad(sender,args)
            $get("<%= RadSplitBar1.ClientID %>").onmousedown = window.SplitBarMouseDown;
        function SplitBarMouseDown()
            var iframe = $find("<%= RadPane2.ClientID %>").getExtContentElement();
   = "none";
        function OnClientResized(sender,args)
            var iframe = $find("<%= RadPane2.ClientID %>").getExtContentElement();
   = "";

    In case you are not using ContnentUrl:
    <telerik:RadSplitter ID="RadSplitter1" runat="server" OnClientLoad="OnClientLoad">
        <telerik:RadPane ID="RadPane1" runat="server">
        <telerik:RadSplitBar ID="RadSplitBar1" runat="server">
        <telerik:RadPane ID="RadPane2" runat="server" OnClientResized="OnClientResized">
            <div id="silverlightControlHost">
                <%-- silverlight object --%>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function OnClientLoad(sender, args)
            $get("<%= RadSplitBar1.ClientID %>").onmousedown = window.SplitBarMouseDown;
        function SplitBarMouseDown()
            $get("silverlightControlHost").style.display = "none";
        function OnClientResized(sender, args)
            $get("silverlightControlHost").style.display = "";

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