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Spellcheck while typing a new word in RadRichTextBox

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Fabrizio asked on 21 Jun 2016, 07:12 AM

Hi everybody!

I have this problem: while the user types a new word in a RadRichTextBox with SpellChecker activated, the red wavy line appears for every character that makes the partial word wrong, even if the word is not completely typed.

Example: writing the word "these" in your RadRichTextBox Demo Application

t --> error
h --> error
e --> OK (word = "the")
s --> error
e --> OK (word = "these")

Since out application is primarily used by dyslexic young children (7-13 yo), seeing this fictitious error is a problem because they can't easily figure out if there's a typo in what they wrote before or simply because the word is still incomplete.


Now for the million-dollar question: Is there a way to inhibit this behavior and activate spellchecking for a newly typed word ONLY after a non alphanumeric char has been typed? This mechanism should trigger when I press space, but also Enter or a punctuation char like ? or !, full stop or comma and so on.

P.S.: I was in doubt about where posting this thread, RichTextBox or SpellChecker. If I posted it in the wrong place, I ask for an Admin to move it where it should belong.

Thanks in advance, cheers!


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Telerik team
answered on 23 Jun 2016, 06:51 AM
Hello Fabrizio,

This behavior is not supported by RadRichTextBox's spell checker. I've logged a feature request on the WPF public feedback portal, where you can vote for it and subscribe to track eventual implementation:
Exclude current word from real-time spell checking

I've added some Telerik points to your account for the suggestion.

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