How can I specify the order of autogenerated columns in a Grid? They dont show up in the aspx and seem to be rendered randomly (sometimes EDIT is left of DELETE, sometimes its the other way around).
And: How can I set the order of autogenerated columns in conjunction with Command-Columns? Like: I have 4 columns: VIEW, EDIT, DELETE, HISTORY.
VIEW and HISTORY are Command-Columns, EDIT and DELETE are autogenerated. How can I make sure the autogenerated ones appear in this specific order in between the two Command-Columns?
And: How can I set the order of autogenerated columns in conjunction with Command-Columns? Like: I have 4 columns: VIEW, EDIT, DELETE, HISTORY.
VIEW and HISTORY are Command-Columns, EDIT and DELETE are autogenerated. How can I make sure the autogenerated ones appear in this specific order in between the two Command-Columns?