This is my first use of the Prometheous Editor, and in my first use I have found that when I post my content, the editor adds background colour styles to everything.
My editor tag is:
<telerik:RadEditor ID="radEditor" runat="server" |
Width="100%" |
Height="350" |
AutoResizeHeight="true" |
AllowScripts="false" |
EditModes="All" |
OnClientLoad="radEditor_OnClientLoad" |
EnableAjaxSkinRendering="true" |
EnableEmbeddedBaseStylesheet="true" |
EnableResize="false" |
NewLineBr="false" |
Skin="Default" |
StripFormattingOptions="Font" |
ToolbarMode="ShowOnFocus" |
> |
</telerik:RadEditor> |
I've even tried using the background-color style of the skin (which funnily enough is #eee) using JS:
function radEditor_OnClientLoad(editor, args) |
{ |
var style = editor.get_contentArea().style; |
style.backgroundColor = "#fff"; |
} |
(Either way it still looks better as I can override the skin settings)
Everytime, my content comes out like:
<p><span style="background-color: #eeeeee">Blah blah blah </span></p> |
<p><span style="background-color: #eeeeee">Blah blah blah</span></p> |
<p><span style="background-color: #eeeeee"></span></p> |
I have tried manually setting the background colour using the toolbar control, which changes but then changes back to #eee. I have tried emptying the textbox and pasting in "clean" XHTML, but the spans are added after posting anyway. Ideally I should have NO background colour styles, as I have visual styles where the content is presented to respect.