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Slider causing content to shift when paging grid

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Levi asked on 06 Nov 2008, 10:14 PM
I have a custom pager template in my RadGrid that incorporates a RadSlider control. Whenever the full screen can be viewed at one time the slider does not cause any problems when paging back and forth using the grid. Although, when the page is long and you scroll down the the bottom the content shifts each time I page back and forth. The entire page shifts upward. After stripping my page down I realized that the RadSlider was causing the problem. As soon as I delete it or make it invisible everything works as expected. It's odd that this only occurs when web browser vertical scrollbar is enabled and I am scrolled down to the bottom of the page.

Any ideas what might be causing the issue. I had the latest 3.5 sp1 framework installed.I'm also tried removing all the css styles to make sure it wasn't that. Please see my follow up posting below.





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answered on 07 Nov 2008, 08:57 PM
I've created a sample project demonstrating this issue:

Another important note is that it only occurs in IE7. It works fine in Firefox. I'm using Vista Ultimate.

Again to replicate here are the steps:
1 - Click the option button to load user control
2 - Scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page as far as you can go.
3 - Now click the next button on the grid navigation.
4 - Notice that the page become taller and the browser scrollbar now shows the page has gotten taller as well.
5 - Now scroll the page as far as you can to reach the new page bottom.
6 - Start paging again and notice that the grid jumps. It doesn't do it everytime in this sample project, but it does in my main one. But if you page forward and backward 10 times or so you will notice the whole page shifts up and immediatley back down again randomly. I've tried paging both slow and fast. It happens randomly in both cases or on every page change in my main project as I stated before.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I really want to use a slider control in my pager template.

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answered on 08 Nov 2008, 08:49 PM
For anyone who's interested, i resolved this problem by upgrading to the latest Q3 2008. I was using 6.19 because I preferred the old skins, but i made them into custom ones and upgraded... problem solved. But in case you decide to support your 6.19 customers, the sample project will hopefully be of use.
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