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Skin name changed

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ashishpandey21jan asked on 28 Oct 2015, 07:24 AM

We are using telerik old version which was using dll of rad controls.Now we are upgrading these controls to latest version of telerik and getting  skin's defined name issue i.e.previously which skin is used after updating dll it shows error skin name(exp. Skin="Arrows/3DBlueAppt" ) does not exits. 

My following code is not working , So please let us know How we can fixed this issue.

on aspx page:

<telerik:RadTreeView ID="rtvTopTreeview" Skin="Arrows/3DBlueAppt"  AutoPostBackOnCheck="False"
                                                                                                AfterClientCheck="AfterCheck" CheckBoxes="true" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True"

On .cs page:

rtvTopTreeview.imagesBaseDir= "~/RadControls/TreeView/Skins/Arrows/3DBlueAppt";​              


also it shows error that rtvTopTreeview does not contain a definition of imagesBaseDir.


please help .

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