when using output caching in webcontrols, the radmenu control is losing it's skin.
all the items are generated as text after the first request initially displays correctly.
Seem to recall this happening in Q1 pre SP1 as well but worked fine with Q1 SP1.
not doing anything fancy with the menu, just a basic setup and database bind.
any ideas?
all the items are generated as text after the first request initially displays correctly.
Seem to recall this happening in Q1 pre SP1 as well but worked fine with Q1 SP1.
not doing anything fancy with the menu, just a basic setup and database bind.
@ OutputCache Duration="120" Shared="false" VaryByParam="none" %>
telerik:RadMenu ID="RadMenu1" runat="server" Skin="Telerik" Width="100%"
ExpandDelay="50" ExpandAnimation-Duration="100"
</ telerik:RadMenu>
any ideas?