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single pane resize

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Justin asked on 09 Aug 2010, 09:18 PM

Is is possible to have just 1 pane inside of the splitter and have that resize? pretty much just a box that has the ability to resize the height.

<telerik:RadSplitter Orientation="Horizontal" ResizeMode="AdjacentPane" Width="100%" ID="rsSplitter" runat="server">
    <telerik:RadPane ID="spltPane" Scrolling="Y" runat="server">
    <telerik:RadSplitBar AdjacentPanesNames-TopPaneName="spltPane" ID="splitter1"  runat="server" />
this shows the content that i want and the resize bar but the bar does not allow you to resize without a second pane. Are there any work arounds for this so that we can use just a single pane?

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Svetlina Anati
Telerik team
answered on 12 Aug 2010, 01:53 PM
Hello Justin,

 The RadSplitter control is designed to be a layout control and it can't be used as you describe. Furthermore, when you drag teh splitbar, you resize one pane by resizing the adjacent one. However, I assume that if you put two RadPanes in a splitter which is 100% of the page this will be your scenario and you can resize the pane as you desire. In case splitter with two panes does not work for you, please provide more details about the exact problem of this particular layout and some screenshots and we will see what can be done.

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answered on 12 Aug 2010, 03:35 PM
yes i figured you need to have 2 panes but to make some kind of workout where the 2nd pane never really gets to show up. My scenerio is pretty simple:

I want to have a rad grid inside of a container that is resizeable and have the grid resize with it. Looking at the examples it seems the splitter and grid work well together when resizing.
Svetlina Anati
Telerik team
answered on 17 Aug 2010, 10:53 AM
Hi Justin,

 What I can suggest is the following:

1) Put a RadSplitter with two RadPanes on the page. Put thje grid in one of the panes.

2) Put all the other content except for the grid in the second pane. This configuration with a splitter which is 100% should do what you need because when all the other content is in the second pane and the splitter is 100% of the page, the second pane will actually simulate the other part of the page which is apart from the resizable panel

A sample demo which is similar to what you need is available below:

Please, configure the splitter in it to 100% to see what I mean and let us know whether this meets your requirements.

Kind regards,
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Svetlina Anati
Telerik team
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