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Single Filter Button

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adi asked on 28 Oct 2010, 11:51 PM

I've found this sample for filtering with a single button click ( It use the FilterExpression of MasterTableView. Is it possible to achieve the same thing without the FilterExpression by using the default filter functionality? I have a grid with different types of columns. Some are of type GridBiund some of type GridDateTime and some of type GridNumeric. In condition of column type I'd like to set the CurrentFilterFuction to Contains or EqualTo. I would like to do something like this: If column is of type GridBoundColumn then set Contains, if it is a DateTime column then set EqualTo. And a base requirement is to persist the entries in the filter boxes.


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Telerik team
answered on 29 Oct 2010, 11:25 AM
Hello Adi,

To achieve filtering by more than one fields at the same time you should either use the default grid filtering mechanism (that rebinds the grid after every filter command is triggered), or manipulate the filter expression as demonstrated in the referenced project. I am afraid that no other options for multiple field filtering are currently available.

As to setting the current filter function per column type basis and keeping the filter values in the filtering editors, you can set them in the ItemCommand event handler. Attached to this message is a slightly modified version of the project that demonstrates this approach. Please review it and let me know whether if it works for your scenario.

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answered on 06 Nov 2010, 05:58 PM
Hi Martin,

thank you for this informations and the sample. I've found it before and tried to use it. But it doesn't match my needs. I think it will be a great feature for RadGrid in a future release.

Telerik team
answered on 11 Nov 2010, 07:48 AM
Hello Adi,

I have forwarded your feature suggestion to our developers for further consideration.The feedback I got from them is that we do not plan to implement similar modifications to the RadGrid's built-in filtering feature. However, since we are constantly upgrading our product, and based on the clients' feedback, we may implement this functionality in one of the future releases of RadGrid for ASP .NET AJAX.

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