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Single Click instead of Double Click to navigate the test steps.

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Chris asked on 12 Feb 2019, 04:17 PM

Single Click instead of Double Click to navigate the test steps. 

Single clicking right now selects the step, but the right pane does not update to show the step.  So I edit the step thinking it was the one I clicked on.

Too easy to edit the wrong test step.

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Plamen Mitrev
Telerik team
answered on 13 Feb 2019, 03:27 PM
Hello Chris,

I understand your point and how this may lead to confusion. The thing is that however, we already have an action for single click on project or test from the Project explorer. This will open the properties for the selected item in the Properties pane, which allows you to view or edit it. In your case you need to use double click on the item in the project explorer or single click on the step tab for previously opened tests or steps.

I hope that the above information is helpful to you. If not, please let me know how we can improve the current behavior from your point of view.

Plamen Mitrev
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answered on 14 Feb 2019, 02:49 PM

A better solution would be the following:  (You can see this behaviour in the VSCode application)

Double click to open and make sticky in a new tab.

Single click to opens a new "reusable" tab.  That means another single click on another step will open in the same tab and replace the previous information.

Double clicking whilst on the reusable tab opens the step in that tab and makes it sticky.  Another single click will open a new "reusable" tab.

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answered on 14 Feb 2019, 02:49 PM

A better solution would be the following:  (You can see this behaviour in the VSCode application)

Double click to open and make sticky in a new tab.

Single click to opens a new "reusable" tab.  That means another single click on another step will open in the same tab and replace the previous information.

Double clicking whilst on the reusable tab opens the step in that tab and makes it sticky.  Another single click will open a new "reusable" tab.

Plamen Mitrev
Telerik team
answered on 19 Feb 2019, 12:28 PM
Hello Chris,

As users' feedback is important to us in order to improve Test Studio on a constant basis, I am really grateful for your suggestion and exact scenario shared. Still, as we want to keep the experience consistent in all Test Studio projects (Web & Desktop, Mobile and API), at the moment we don't plan to change the behavior of a single click on element, test step, test or project across Test Studio. This is mainly because we use the single click on those items to refresh the properties pane and changing that now may lead to confusion in users, who have been working on a web or desktop project and rely on the quick access to the properties of all of the above mentioned items.

Thank you for your understanding in advance.

Plamen Mitrev
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Plamen Mitrev
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