I hate to waste your time because I know you must have answered this question before. I did find one answer to it in the forums, but the example did not work on my system, so..........
I would like to display "Yes" or "No" for a SQL Server Boolean column in the RadGrid instead of a checkbox (your checkboxes in the grid are so "faded" that it is very difficult to tell if they are checked or not) or instead of "True"/"False".
I would prefer to write the code for this in the VB code behind page if possible. If not, I can add it to the .aspx page if needed.
The Boolean field is named "TextActive", although it really doesn't matter.
Thanks in advance for your assistance.
I would like to display "Yes" or "No" for a SQL Server Boolean column in the RadGrid instead of a checkbox (your checkboxes in the grid are so "faded" that it is very difficult to tell if they are checked or not) or instead of "True"/"False".
I would prefer to write the code for this in the VB code behind page if possible. If not, I can add it to the .aspx page if needed.
The Boolean field is named "TextActive", although it really doesn't matter.
Thanks in advance for your assistance.
14 Answers, 1 is accepted
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answered on 07 Jun 2010, 07:07 AM
Hello Lynn
I prefer following approach in order to show Yes/No based on Boolean value. I used a label in ItemTemplate of GridTemplateColumn.
I prefer following approach in order to show Yes/No based on Boolean value. I used a label in ItemTemplate of GridTemplateColumn.
<telerik:GridTemplateColumn> |
<ItemTemplate> |
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text='<%# Convert.ToBoolean(Eval("TextActive")) == true ? "Yes" : "No" %>'></asp:Label> |
</ItemTemplate> |
</telerik:GridTemplateColumn> |
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answered on 08 Jun 2010, 02:59 PM
Is there not a way to accomplish this in the code behind page? There are certain properties in this grid that I MUST modify at run-time including the text values used in this Yes/No column. Why can't I define this column at run-time from the code behind page while I am doing everything else?
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answered on 09 Jun 2010, 07:32 AM
Hello Lynn,
Here is code snippet for accomplishing same. You can access the cell values in ItemDataBound and modify it according to required funcionality.
Here is code snippet for accomplishing same. You can access the cell values in ItemDataBound and modify it according to required funcionality.
<telerik:GridBoundColumn UniqueName="TextActive" DataField="TextActive" HeaderText="TextActive"> |
</telerik:GridBoundColumn> |
Protected Sub RadGrid1_ItemDataBound(sender As Object, e As GridItemEventArgs) |
If TypeOf e.Item Is GridDataItem Then |
Dim item As GridDataItem = DirectCast(e.Item, GridDataItem) |
If item("isapproved").Text = "True" Then |
'your code |
item("isapproved").Text = "Yes" |
Else |
'your code |
item("isapproved").Text = "No" |
End If |
End If |
End Sub |
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answered on 10 Jun 2010, 05:37 AM
I thank you for the time spent on this, but I don't understand:
(a) How this helps me. I have to be able to modify certain items in the column defintions at run time (from the code behind page). yet you are still defining the column in the .aspx page. Can I define the column in the code behind page as shown below? I have this code in the Page_Init sub.
If I do that, then how do I include the code you wrote for the data manipulation portion? I've included your code behind page code below for easy reference. I'm not a stupid person, but I don't understand what you are doing below relative to the
item("isapproved").Text code. I'm guessing that this is the name of the column in some other example, but when I use this code and change the "isapproved" to my own value "TextActive" it does not work. The column in the Grid still contains the actual words True or False instead of "Yes" or "No".
Basically, I guess I don't get it. Sorry.
I thank you for the time spent on this, but I don't understand:
(a) How this helps me. I have to be able to modify certain items in the column defintions at run time (from the code behind page). yet you are still defining the column in the .aspx page. Can I define the column in the code behind page as shown below? I have this code in the Page_Init sub.
boundcolumn = New GridBoundColumn |
Me.RadGrid1.Columns.Add(boundcolumn) |
boundcolumn.UniqueName = "TextActive" |
boundcolumn.DataField = "TextActive" |
boundcolumn.HeaderText = "TextIt" |
boundcolumn.Visible = True |
boundcolumn.HeaderTooltip = "" |
boundcolumn = Nothing |
If I do that, then how do I include the code you wrote for the data manipulation portion? I've included your code behind page code below for easy reference. I'm not a stupid person, but I don't understand what you are doing below relative to the
item("isapproved").Text code. I'm guessing that this is the name of the column in some other example, but when I use this code and change the "isapproved" to my own value "TextActive" it does not work. The column in the Grid still contains the actual words True or False instead of "Yes" or "No".
Basically, I guess I don't get it. Sorry.
Protected Sub RadGrid1_ItemDataBound(sender As Object, e As GridItemEventArgs) |
If TypeOf e.Item Is GridDataItem Then |
Dim item As GridDataItem = DirectCast(e.Item, GridDataItem) |
If item("isapproved").Text = "True" Then |
'your code |
item("isapproved").Text = "Yes" |
Else |
'your code |
item("isapproved").Text = "No" |
End If |
End If |
End Sub |
Hi Lynn,
The RadGrid's ItemDataBound handler is not related to the way you create the columns - declaratively or programmatically. The ItemDataBound event is related to data rows, not columns.
item("isapproved") is a way to access the content of a data cell by using the column's unique name.
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The RadGrid's ItemDataBound handler is not related to the way you create the columns - declaratively or programmatically. The ItemDataBound event is related to data rows, not columns.
item("isapproved") is a way to access the content of a data cell by using the column's unique name.
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answered on 10 Jun 2010, 02:31 PM
Thanks for the reply. I'm trying to understand. I made changes to the code behind to reflect your recommendations to no avail. However, it isn't the actual code in the _ItemDataBound event that doesn't seem to be working, it appears that the _ItemDataBound event code is not being executed.
Below is the code from the code behind page.
In the Page_Init event code, you will see that the last column created is one with the unique name of "TextExtra". This is the column that I am trying to modify the grid column text for.
You will also see in the _ItemDataBound event code, that each time through I am changing the text value of a label on the web page to include the data values from all rows (complete with a <br> for each value so they can all be viewed).
I have attached a small screen capture of the resulting grid. You will see the "TextExtra" column still contains "True" instead of "Yes". If you look near the bottom of the screen capture, you will see a field that simply says "Label". This is "Label1" which I am supposedly setting to the various data values -- but which still contains the initial value. From this, I can only assume that the _ItemDataBound event is not firing.
What am I doing wrong to prevent this from working?
The actual definition of the grid from the .aspx page is:
Thanks for the reply. I'm trying to understand. I made changes to the code behind to reflect your recommendations to no avail. However, it isn't the actual code in the _ItemDataBound event that doesn't seem to be working, it appears that the _ItemDataBound event code is not being executed.
Below is the code from the code behind page.
Protected Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Init |
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then |
Dim hypercolumn As GridHyperLinkColumn |
Dim boundcolumn As GridBoundColumn |
Dim checkboxcolumn As GridCheckBoxColumn |
hypercolumn = New GridHyperLinkColumn |
Me.RadGrid1.Columns.Add(hypercolumn) |
hypercolumn.HeaderText = "Edit" |
hypercolumn.UniqueName = "Approve" |
hypercolumn.Text = "<img border=""0"" alt=""View"" src=""../Icons/pencil_16.png"" />" |
hypercolumn.DataNavigateUrlFields = New String() {"TextID"} |
hypercolumn.DataNavigateUrlFormatString = sEditRecRedirect & "{" & sEditRecKeyField & "}" |
hypercolumn.HeaderTooltip = "Displays a page for editing the selected Topic record" |
hypercolumn = Nothing |
boundcolumn = New GridBoundColumn |
Me.RadGrid1.Columns.Add(boundcolumn) |
boundcolumn.UniqueName = "TextName" |
boundcolumn.DataField = "TextName" |
boundcolumn.HeaderText = "Name" |
boundcolumn.Visible = True |
boundcolumn.HeaderTooltip = "The name of this Topic" |
boundcolumn = Nothing |
checkboxcolumn = New GridCheckBoxColumn |
Me.RadGrid1.Columns.Add(checkboxcolumn) |
checkboxcolumn.UniqueName = "TextActive" |
checkboxcolumn.DataField = "TextActive" |
checkboxcolumn.HeaderText = "Active" |
checkboxcolumn.HeaderTooltip = "Indicates if this text item is to be used from the database" |
checkboxcolumn = Nothing |
boundcolumn = New GridBoundColumn |
Me.RadGrid1.Columns.Add(boundcolumn) |
boundcolumn.UniqueName = "TextExtra" |
boundcolumn.DataField = "TextActive" |
boundcolumn.HeaderText = "Manipulate" |
boundcolumn.Visible = True |
boundcolumn = Nothing |
End If |
End Sub |
Protected Sub RadGrid1_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As GridItemEventArgs) |
If TypeOf e.Item Is GridDataItem Then |
Dim item As GridDataItem = DirectCast(e.Item, GridDataItem) |
Me.Label1.Text = item("TextExtra").Text & "<br>" |
If item("TextExtra").Text = "True" Then |
'your code |
item("TextExtra").Text = "Yes" |
Else |
'your code |
item("TextExtra").Text = "No" |
End If |
End If |
End Sub |
Protected Sub RadGrid1_NeedDataSource(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As GridNeedDataSourceEventArgs) Handles RadGrid1.NeedDataSource |
RadGrid1.DataSource = GetDataTable("SELECT * FROM TransText_Topics_List WHERE Text_AccountID=" & Session("AccountID") & " AND TextApplication='THDi PWS' AND TextType='Topic' ORDER BY TextApplication, TextType, TextSubType, TextName") |
End Sub |
Public Function GetDataTable(ByVal query As String) As DataTable |
Dim ConnString As String = Application("MySiteDBConnectString") |
Dim conn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(ConnString) |
Dim adapter As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter |
adapter.SelectCommand = New SqlCommand(query, conn) |
Dim table1 As New DataTable |
conn.Open() |
Try |
adapter.Fill(table1) |
Finally |
conn.Close() |
End Try |
Return table1 |
End Function |
Protected Sub CreateNew_Button_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CreateNew_Button.Click |
Response.Redirect(sNewRecRedirect) |
End Sub |
End Class |
In the Page_Init event code, you will see that the last column created is one with the unique name of "TextExtra". This is the column that I am trying to modify the grid column text for.
You will also see in the _ItemDataBound event code, that each time through I am changing the text value of a label on the web page to include the data values from all rows (complete with a <br> for each value so they can all be viewed).
I have attached a small screen capture of the resulting grid. You will see the "TextExtra" column still contains "True" instead of "Yes". If you look near the bottom of the screen capture, you will see a field that simply says "Label". This is "Label1" which I am supposedly setting to the various data values -- but which still contains the initial value. From this, I can only assume that the _ItemDataBound event is not firing.
What am I doing wrong to prevent this from working?
The actual definition of the grid from the .aspx page is:
<telerik:RadGrid ID="RadGrid1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" Width="725px" Height="200px" EnableEmbeddedSkins="true" BackColor="#11161D" Skin="Black" > |
</telerik:RadGrid> |
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Rank 2
answered on 10 Jun 2010, 03:27 PM
Thank you for your help. I've marked this as closed. I still had a problem after the last round of communications, but resolved it a few minutes ago here. In the sample code you supplied for the _ItemDataBound event, the "Handles RadGrid1.ItemDataBound" was absent from the example. To be honest, I should have seen that sooner. Anyway, after fixing that problem, the issue is resolved. Thanks again and I mean that (I'm not being mean and nasty).
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answered on 21 Jan 2014, 11:56 AM
Hi Shinu,
Same problem in my case but i want to do it client side. please provide a solutions.
Same problem in my case but i want to do it client side. please provide a solutions.
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answered on 21 Jan 2014, 12:17 PM
Hi Rahul,
You can easily set the Boolean as Yes/No in the ASPX page by using a GridTemplateColumn as follows, if this doesn't help, elaborate on your requirement and provide code snippet if necessary:
You can easily set the Boolean as Yes/No in the ASPX page by using a GridTemplateColumn as follows, if this doesn't help, elaborate on your requirement and provide code snippet if necessary:
Text='<%# Convert.ToBoolean(Eval("IsTrue")) == true ? "Yes" : "No" %>'></
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answered on 22 Jan 2014, 04:41 AM
Hi Shinu,
Thanks for Reply, It works fine my side.
Thanks for Reply, It works fine my side.
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answered on 14 Mar 2014, 12:38 PM
hi Shinu
How can i do in Razor view i am using kendoUI.
How can i do in Razor view i am using kendoUI.
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answered on 14 Mar 2014, 12:39 PM
i am using Kendo Grid.
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answered on 18 Apr 2014, 11:26 AM
Hi Shinu,
How can get this column value using onRowselected event on client side. please provide solutions.
How can get this column value using onRowselected event on client side. please provide solutions.
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answered on 21 Apr 2014, 07:06 AM
Hi Rahul,
Please try the following code snippet to get the selected row value of label.
Please try the following code snippet to get the selected row value of label.
<script type=
OnRowSelected(sender, args) {
grid = sender;
masterTable = grid.get_masterTableView();
length = masterTable.get_selectedItems().length;
(i = 0; i < length; i++) {
row = masterTable.get_selectedItems()[i];
element = row.get_element();
labelValue = $telerik.findElement(element,
//Get the Boolean value