I typically validate my forms server side due to the incompatibility of the traditional ASP.NET validators with certain ajax scenarios. If a form field is invalid, I notify the user through some sort of message, However it would be nice to give some visual cue as well. I use rad comboboxes and rad input controls primarily. I usually use a built-in Telerik skin for these. Is there a way to change the appearance of these controls after an ajax update by setting control properties server-side? I can obviously change individual properties, or even styles, however, ideally I would like to create an "Invalid" skin which would be applied if the control's value is improper. The client-side invalid prompt is an example of this. In fact, I would love to be able to use the exact same appeaance but set it server-side, and be able to set it back to the normal skin if the field is valid.
What would be ideal is if Telerik added a property to certain data entry controls (such as RadInput, Combobox) called "IsInvalid" or something to that effect. If this property is true, the control is rendered with this invalid skin appearance. Further enhancement to this functionality would allow users to specify an "InvalidMessage" which allows users to specify what is wrong with the data in the control . an additional property might be InvalidMessagePosition, which can be set to display the message to the left/right/top/bottom of the control, or as a hover tooltip.
What would be ideal is if Telerik added a property to certain data entry controls (such as RadInput, Combobox) called "IsInvalid" or something to that effect. If this property is true, the control is rendered with this invalid skin appearance. Further enhancement to this functionality would allow users to specify an "InvalidMessage" which allows users to specify what is wrong with the data in the control . an additional property might be InvalidMessagePosition, which can be set to display the message to the left/right/top/bottom of the control, or as a hover tooltip.