I have two panels in a page. While one panel contains master grid, the other grid has the child grid and a label. The two grids are Ajax Enabled. Based on the paging or sorting or filtering the master grid should refresh the child grid based on the first record. If there are no records the label saying "No records are found." should be displayed. I managed to refresh the child grid based on master grid but not able to show the label. PFB the code sample which I use:
if (rgChild.Visible == true)
rgMaster.ResponseScripts.Add(String.Format("window['{0}'].AjaxRequest('{1}', '');", rgChild.ClientID, rgChild.UniqueID));
//I want the code to display the label here. Should I use some response script. If yes how?
Any suggestions are highly appreciated.
I have two panels in a page. While one panel contains master grid, the other grid has the child grid and a label. The two grids are Ajax Enabled. Based on the paging or sorting or filtering the master grid should refresh the child grid based on the first record. If there are no records the label saying "No records are found." should be displayed. I managed to refresh the child grid based on master grid but not able to show the label. PFB the code sample which I use:
if (rgChild.Visible == true)
rgMaster.ResponseScripts.Add(String.Format("window['{0}'].AjaxRequest('{1}', '');", rgChild.ClientID, rgChild.UniqueID));
//I want the code to display the label here. Should I use some response script. If yes how?
Any suggestions are highly appreciated.