I have 1 treeview and 1 combobox that used for filter of treeview. this two controls is one set. i have 3 set controls that have 3 related treeview and 3 filter combobox.these 3 treeviews is related each other. I used openaccesslinqdatasource that get a selectedvalue of treeview. if OALDS has not data, treeview doesnt appear, automaticly appears if there is data at OALDS
this is good for me. i dont need to manage to show or hide treeview. But i have to show or hide comboboxes sametime with treeview.
how can i do that.
I tried treeview node count at serverside onnodeclick event but showing or hiding of combobox event goes one stepback from treeview.
how can i show hide combobox sametime with these related treeview.
I have 1 treeview and 1 combobox that used for filter of treeview. this two controls is one set. i have 3 set controls that have 3 related treeview and 3 filter combobox.these 3 treeviews is related each other. I used openaccesslinqdatasource that get a selectedvalue of treeview. if OALDS has not data, treeview doesnt appear, automaticly appears if there is data at OALDS
this is good for me. i dont need to manage to show or hide treeview. But i have to show or hide comboboxes sametime with treeview.
how can i do that.
I tried treeview node count at serverside onnodeclick event but showing or hiding of combobox event goes one stepback from treeview.
how can i show hide combobox sametime with these related treeview.