9 Answers, 1 is accepted
To achieve the desired effect you can use the set_visible() property of the RadButton client-side object.
Use the following code to hide the button:
var radButton = $find("<%= ExampleButton.ClientID %>");
And to show it use this:
var radButton = $find("<%= ExampleButton.ClientID %>");
Also keep in mind that you must change "ExampleButton" with the id of your button.
I attached example project for your convenience.
All the best,
the Telerik team
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Currently this property can't be found in the documentation, but in the future it will be added.
All the best,
the Telerik team
Browse the vast support resources we have to jump start your development with RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX. See how to integrate our AJAX controls seamlessly in SharePoint 2007/2010 visiting our common SharePoint portal.
How do I get a reference to the HTML element of a RadButton. I have tried:
var radButton = $find("<%= ExampleButton.ClientID %>");
But that doesn't seem to work.
Indeed, the inherited method set_visible is not yet included in the client-side API documentation of RadButton because there was a problem in its functionality in the past. Nevertheless, it now works properly so it will be included with the next update of the documentation.
As for your second question, you should use the get_element() method to reference the HTML element of the button control:
var radButton = $find(
"<%= ExampleButton.ClientID %>"
All the best,
the Telerik team
"My Button"
If you do this and you try the following, radButton will be null.
radButton = $find(
"<%= myButton.ClientID %>"
For my solution, I did not set Visible to False. Instead I left it visible in the declaration, then hid it in the JavaScript pageLoad event. Then I was able to show it at a later time using the example JavaScript code.
"<%= myButton.ClientID %>"
Just define the button with a style of display: none (which will hide the base button element).
"display: none;"
... and then when you need to show it the first time, just use jquery to show the element (in my case it has the same id since I am using a static id):
Subsequent show / hides can then use the normal set_visible(bool) function:
Anyway, thought I'd share in case this helps anyone else. I do this often for various rad buttons that I want initially hidden (but still rendered).
I set my RadButton to not show using the style="display:none;" as you had suggested.
<telerik:RadButton ID="RadButton1" Text="Use Selected Patient" runat="server" Height="30" Font-Bold="true" Skin="Office2007" style="display:none;" OnClientClicked="ProcessingButtonClick" OnClick="RadButton1_OnClick">
<Icon SecondaryIconCssClass="rbNext" SecondaryIconRight="6" SecondaryIconTop="10"></Icon>
Then when the user clicks a row in my RadGrid, I want to show the button, so in the OnRowSelected event, I have
function cellPatientSelected(sender, args) {
var btn = $find("<%=RadButton1.ClientID%>");
and I get this error
Uncaught TypeError: btn.show is not a function
The issue you're encountering is due to the show method not being a function of the RadRadButton control. The show and hide methods are typically associated with jQuery objects, but the $find MS AJAX method a reference to the RadButton client-side object, not a jQuery object.
To resolve this issue, you should manipulate the display style of the HTML element associated with the RadButton. Since you've initially set the button to be hidden using inline CSS (style="display:none;"), you need to change the style.display property to make it visible again.
Here's how you can modify your JavaScript function:
function cellPatientSelected(sender, args) {
var btn = $find("<%= RadButton1.ClientID %>");
if(btn) {
// Access the HTML DOM element of the RadButton and change its display style
var btnElement = btn.get_element();
btnElement.style.display = ''; // This will reset the display property, showing the button