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حمید asked on 31 May 2016, 03:16 PM

Hi Telerik

I  want to customize ErrorMessage and EmptyMessage for each controls but when set ErrorMessage , that apply for all controls in <TargetControls > .

1) How can i customize for each controls ?

2) I want to after validate the message errors apear in ValidationSummary and ErrorMessage not show in controls !

3) How can i hise ErrorMessage after validating in control ?

please help me 


<telerik:RadInputManager ID="RadInputManager1"  runat="server">       
        <telerik:RegExpTextBoxSetting BehaviorID="Setting3"  EmptyMessage="..... how can customize this message for any controls ..." 
            ErrorMessage="..... how can customize this message for any controls ..." Validation-IsRequired="true" Validation-ValidationGroup="Search">
                <TargetControls >
                    <telerik:TargetInput ControlID="txtFirstName"  />
                    <telerik:TargetInput ControlID="txtLastName"  />
                    <telerik:TargetInput ControlID="txtEmail"  />
                    <telerik:TargetInput ControlID="txtZipCode"  />

















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