Hi, I have a RadTreeView with dynamic levels and checkable nodes based on conditions. Some levels may have some checkable nodes or all checkable nodes.
I use the OnClientNodeChecked event to keep the ID of the checked nodes in a hidden field for later use and to update a checked node counter.
If and only if the user shift + click on a checkbox then all the checkable child nodes should be checked.(or unchecked).
To achieve this, I intended to use the shiftKey event from the eventsArgs of the OnClientNodeChecked event handler but I noticed it is undefined. I also noticed that many events are undefined such as the altKey and the ctrlKey events.
Is there a way to get the shiftKey status in the OnClientNodeChecked event handler?
Answered in http://www.telerik.com/forums/radtreeview-compatibility-issues-with-ie-11