We have a RadGrid which has inform edit controls. Each inform edit control has a radDatePicker. This caused the pages to be fairly heavy, so we started using the SharedCalendar property of the radDatePicker to pass in an instance of a RadCalendar. The pages are now lighter, and the RadDatePicker and RadCalendars work without a hitch.
However, each time a date is picked on the RadCalendar, the page scrolls to the top. So in order to mitigate this behaviour, hooked a function up to the OnPopupOpening event to get the pages scroll position. Then a function is hooked up the OnPopupClosing event to reset the pages scrolling position. This does not work. After the OnPopupClosing function fires, the telerik assemblies run several functions. Somewhere along the way, the pages scroll position gets set back to the top (we stepped through the assemblies with a watch setup on the document.body.scrollTop property).
Unfortunately, no client side events are exposed after the assemblies finish executing. We consider this a significant bug. Would you be able to fix this in the near future?
However, each time a date is picked on the RadCalendar, the page scrolls to the top. So in order to mitigate this behaviour, hooked a function up to the OnPopupOpening event to get the pages scroll position. Then a function is hooked up the OnPopupClosing event to reset the pages scrolling position. This does not work. After the OnPopupClosing function fires, the telerik assemblies run several functions. Somewhere along the way, the pages scroll position gets set back to the top (we stepped through the assemblies with a watch setup on the document.body.scrollTop property).
Unfortunately, no client side events are exposed after the assemblies finish executing. We consider this a significant bug. Would you be able to fix this in the near future?